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Sustainability is an important issue for us at OLSB, we place it at the heart of everything we do. We aim to raise awareness of the effects of climate change on the planet and how we as a community can work together to protect our environment. We believe that increased awareness of the environment and sustainable living supports and promotes students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.  We want all pupils to develop an understanding of environmental issues and to understand their duties  to care for God’s Creation,  We want to ensure that we create a community knowing we are all called to walk in the footsteps of Christ and bring his love and gospel to the world.

Children’s understanding of environment and sustainability is supported by practical, first-hand experiences and collaborative activities which take place in the school grounds.  Opportunities for applying this to a wider context, both on an immediate and wider local scale, as well as on a global scale, are then supported directly through the school’s curriculum, with specific coverage of these themes in a number of curriculum areas, including Science and PSHE. 

Our Eco Warriors meet every half term to take an active role in making the school more sustainable. Eco Warriors are two children from every class who are elected by their peers at the start of the academic year. They work together to generate ideas to make our school more sustainable and ‘greener’.  

Our goals this year include: 

  • Reducing the use of energy in the school 

  • Running a successful Sustainability Week 

  • Increasing awareness about recycling, biodiversity and living a sustainable life through the choices we make 

  • Welcoming visitors into our school to talk about environmental issues 

  • Bikeability 

  • Engaging and learning about the importance of our natural environment and about the dangers of climate change for future generations 

  • Promoting sustainability in the wider community 

Sustainable Development Documents and Resources