School Uniform
We have a full school uniform and a kit for PE. We believe that a smart distinctive uniform, worn neatly and tidily, helps to instil pride and a sense of loyalty in the school. It is also both practical and economical. One of the many advantages is that it makes clear we all belong to one community. It is this belonging and oneness which helps to make the attitude and co-operation in school very special.
The school uniform is as follows and the following items are required:
Winter Boys:
Grey trousers, pale blue shirt, school tie, school navy jumper (with logo), black or grey socks and black sensible shoes (not trainers).
Winter Girls:
Grey skirt or pinafore ,or tailored grey trousers, pale blue blouse, school tie, school navy jumper or cardigan (with logo), grey socks or tights and black sensible shoes (no high heels or trainers.)
Summer Boys:
As above or boys may wear grey shorts.(optional)
Summer Girls:
As above or blue checked school dress with white socks.(optional)
Nursery and Reception
Children in Nursery and Reception require a Pale Blue polo shirt instead of a shirt and tie.
PE Kit (required)
Navy (School logo) or Plain Navy polo shirt
Black shorts (and/or)joggers
Plain black pumps (and/or) trainers - suitable for running & outdoor activities
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We do not stock new uniform in school, except for school ties which are £5.50 each.
Good quality used uniform items are available to buy from
Jewellery and earrings are not permitted in school.
Appropriate watches may be worn to tell the time.
All school uniform items and complete PE kits can be purchased from
the former Methodist Church, Motif Marketing opposite Co-op in Milton, Stoke on Trent.
and it is also available from Longton Protective Clothing which is in Timberland Hardware Store, Sutherland Road, Longton.
PLEASE, PLEASE do ensure that all uniform is labelled with your child's name. This way we can reduce the amount of items that get lost.