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We look forward to welcoming your child to Our Lady & St Benedict, whether they are starting in September or as part of our Rising Threes programme.

Please follow the link to read through our induction slideshow and familiarise yourself with the helpful information provided to support both yourself and your child make a successful start to the Early Years.  

In nursery and reception your child will be doing a lot of learning through play and we ask that they bring the following things to school:

  • A book bag - your child will be reading at school everyday and will be bringing home books on a weekly basis. Reading at home every day will make a huge difference and help your child in their future development.
  • A filled water bottle - water only please. It is important your child keeps hydrated throughout the day. Breakfast, milk and fruit is provided by school and available during the day. 
  • PE kits – a PE bag will be supplied for you by school. The children do PE once a week in nursery and reception.